Production, marketing and topical articles for the Australian Sugar industry.
While the challenge of farming in an increasingly sustainable way is front of mind for many Australian canegrowers, tangible strategies to address this challenge can seem hard to come by.
This Farm Safety Awareness Week (18-24 July) Triple P - Positive Parenting Program experts are supporting farming families to not only address the physical and mental risks on the farm but to take active steps to support mental health and wellbeing to create a positive, strong farm family where everyone benefits.
Previous AgriFutures Horizon Scholar and evokeAG. Future Young Leader, Jordy Kitschke says agriculture is on the brink of another revolution, and according to him robotics will have a big part to play. Applications for the 2022 AgriFutures Horizon Scholarship close on January 14, 2022.
Agricultural and Veterinary amendments have passed Parliament on Dec 1 which streamlines the Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority and establishes a new governance board.
New technology developed by the University of South Australia may put an end to predatory cat behaviours in native environments and help control Australia’s feral felines.
Expect more delicious and premium Australian food in fridges across the globe, with the creation of The University of Queensland’s Agri-Food Innovation Alliance.
A clear picture of what Norfolk Island looked like before European arrival has emerged from a project that has, for the first time ever, mapped native vegetation across the entire island, as it exists now and before 1750.
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